Wednesday, September 9, 2009's time......

Ok. So I've decided.
It's time to come out. Well, begin to anyway.....

I've been thinking this over for a while and I've think I've figured out who, out of my friends, I can tell. It's surprisingly few, so that can tell you the caliber of friends I have. lol!
I've already come out to a few people in my 'other life', as I like to call it, where I do theatre and singing where, many people are out themselves and its as normal as having brown hair!

But, here, I'm talking about the friends I have in my normal life. 'Reality' basically!
I'm going to do it next week when I see them. REALLY nervous as I don't have any clue how my best friend will react. I think he's a bit homophobic to be honest, but I'm hoping he'll come around once I show him how normal it is, or try at least. Cause he;s my best friend and I don't want to lose another friend.

I think I'll tell my mum in a few weeks as well(but I don't know yet).
My dad?? I actually don't think I could ever pluck up the courage to tell him. He's a Muslim(mum's Irish), and isn't homosexuality like the devil's game in their eyes?? He's made very harsh terms against gays in the past and that's why I think if I told him our relationship would be effectively over.
Why has this got to be so hard!? Why, amongst all the other problems I have in my life, was I given this one to deal with too!?


.....this really is a f****d up world we live in...


JP said...

Just take your time when coming out, it isn't a process that should be rushed and hsould be done when you're most comfotable and ready. As for your best friend, well, he's your best friend and should accept you and support you no matter what, that's what they're there for. Wishing you a smooth coming out process.

All the best,


LonelyBoy said...

I know. I havn't rushed into this. Ever since june, i've been planning this. I'm as comfortable as I'll ever be doing this.
Yeah, I know. But I'm still insanely nervous!


S xx