Monday, September 14, 2009

strange, confusing, scary...................

I'm exhausted!!!

Just back from training with a sprained ankle, pulled muscle in my side and very sore/tight hip joints!! Got ice-packs everywhere! Dunno what happened today?!? It wasn't even a particularly strenuous session! 
Ah well.....just one of those days I suppose!!!  

My day was a good one on the whole though.
I read in class(French) that in France, same sex couples have been able to marry since 1997! Thats amazing!! They're very far ahead of everyone else aren't they!?!? But if two men/two women are married they don't say that they are 'married', they say that they are 'paxed'! "Ils ont pacsé"(I think. I'm not that good at french. But it's something like that! lol).
That's actually kinda weird/strange/cool considering Homosexuality was illegal up until 1993!!! Wow, we're very old fashioned aren't we?! 

Later on I was talking to my mum in the car on the way to training, and we were listening to the radio. They were discussing how Elton John was banned from adopting a child from an orphanage with his partner. 
I asked my mum how she felt about that, and she said that when she thinks about it she doesn't think that they should because in her mind homosexuality is wrong. But then she went on to say that when she heres herself think that, she knows that she is wrong, but that is just how she was brought up. Its just the imprint that's left from her upbringing but she doesn't listen to it. 
So now I'm kinda worried about coming out to her now! I know that she'll still love me no matter what, but will there always be a part of her mind that thinks that what I am is wrong?? 

That scares me............


Jesse Zavtrak said...

I can relate with you about your mother... my mother doesn't think believe homosexuality is necessarily wrong, but she has trouble accepting her child being gay because of cultures and tradition. It's tough, but it's important to have faith in your mother as well. Coming out a parent is hard, but to accept that your child is gay isn't always easy either. She has to prepare herself for sharing the pains of stigma and differences faced by the gay community as well.

Don't be scared, just believe in her :)

Pilgrim said...

Make the best out of it! Propz Pilgim