Thursday, September 17, 2009

Choosing colleges, a 'not so' hot guy, and a new haircut...........

Well today was a long day.....

Didn't have school because we got the day off to go to this college exhibition thingy. So that meant I could have a little bit of a lie in!
God I needed it!

So I arrived at the exhibition and paid the 10 euro entry fee. In the hall were hundreds of colleges from both Ireland and England.
There were 6th year students from all over Dublin and around, and I have to say that I really go an a pretty ugly school. I only say this because the amount of HOOOTTT guys there was unreal!!! Like seriously!! Everywhere I looked there was a perfectly toned boy with amazing hair! I'd say there's about three really hot guys in my year. THREE! Ugh!
Ah well. So I found a few colleges that I liked. Got a few brochures shoved into my arms and left with the biggest college prospectus books I've ever seen! A big weight to carry all the way home!

While in town I got some McDonalds(don't judge me.....I was starving!) and got my hair done. I have to say they did a fantastic job, if I do say so myself. I have never found a hairstyle that I have liked so much!
I think I'll be going there again!!!

Well, I got home and showed my parents the brochures of the colleges. Both of them just DO NOT support what I want to do. They want me to do Law or Engineering when I want nothing to do with those subjects! I want to do English and Music.
They're like, you could never find a job with a degree in those! And I reply that of course I can. What? The millions that study English and Music just get crappy jobs?! Don't be
ridiculous! They're so small minded. All they want me to do is get a "main-stream" job where I'll make a load of money. But I really don't want that! I'd rather get a job that pays enough for me to get by on, than one that earns me a load of money but I'll be miserable!
So, that conversation ended in argument, AGAIN, and now I'm pissed off and feel like crap! It's my GOD DAMN LIFE!!! IT'S MY GOD DAMN DECISION!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!
I'm just gonna forget about it for tonight.


So, anyways, in yesterdays post I said that the Argentinean guy who just joined my year has turned out to not be so hot after all. Like, he's still perfectly tanned and toned and all, but he did something yesterday that COMPLETELY put me off him.
So I was standing at my locker getting some books for my next classes when some guys from my year started throwing insults my way.
"Get a fucking life ya queer!" One of them said.
I ignored them as I usually do and locked my locker.
Then the new Argentinean guy walked by and pushed me against my locker saying:
"Yeah, you fuck!"
I He's been at the school for what? 2 days?? And already he's joined the "schmad lads"??
Well, I wasn't amused. So, as he started to walk away I grabbed his arm and twisted until he was on the floor pinned. I kicked the bag that was on his back(I wouldn't kick anyone unless I was being attacked or something) and walked away saying: "Fuck you".
I know Taekwondo and self defense so that's why the "schmad lads" don't normally come up to me, cause I'd normally hurt a few of em if they started on me. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not a violent person. I just know how to defend myself and can fight back if if I'm started on.
So, anyways....the Argentinean guy?
Yeah, I've been completely put off him now.

So, back in school tomorrow.
Thank God it's Friday at least!!!
I need the weekend so badly!!!
I think I'm going out on Saturday, so hopefully that'll take my mind off of things!!

Anywhooos, that's it for today!!!!

S xx


Pilgrim said...

Why will you stick to dreams, when you know, you can´t succeed? I mean, a job that pays the rent is not necessarily bad. Of course I can talk, I have a rather comfy background. Choice is yours! Propz Pilgrim

Anonymous said...

I took taekwondo too...for like 3 months, lol

but I am a yellow belt hyah, (which means absolutely nothing)

Anonymous said...

Don't pay any attention to Pilgrim I think you should do what you want and who knows you might happen in your future

Dzyan said...

I for once have never gotten my hair cut at a Mcdonalds, but I'm glad they did a good job :P should show how well they did.
They may be ignorant of your wishes, but they`re your parents nonetheless and you should love them even when they exasperate them, give them time, they only wish what they think is better for you.
I know Ju-jutsu and 18 yo argentinians don't scare me, hehe, so you've got any problems let me know.
Also, I have to talk to you, hope to see you on-line, now that you're a hot shot with tons of fans you forget of the little bloggers like me :( so hope to see you soon, btw, what was the exhibit about?


naturgesetz said...

I shouldn't approve of violence, but well done with that Argentinian.

Your parents want what is best for you, but you're right that a career that you love and that pays your expenses is very much better than one which you don't enjoy.

BTW, I see by your profile that yoou like Gilbert & Sullivan. I think they're brilliant! Shakespeare's pretty good too.

torchy! said...

hey, i totally ditto Naturgesetz, and would add:

it really sucks that you get that abuse at school - sounds like the sort of crap i had to deal with too.

as for the argentinian - what a fuckwit for joining in with the schmad lads after just 2 days.

hi-5 to you for sticking up for yourself like that. if i'd been there i would have applauded.

maybe, just maybe, the argentinian might change his attitude. i hope so.

take care

torchy! said...

oh btw, my word verif. was 'feriasm', which is exactly what i get whenever Fer leaves a comment :P

(this word verif's not as interesting tho)
