Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ugh.....a girl

So, I'm on my way to a date!
Catch: it's with a girl! Ugh!

She asked me if I wanted to meet up today and I said "eh, sure".
I don't know why I did. I think I have a problem saying "no".
Yeah, I need to fix that.

Like, she's good looking and all. And we've known each other for a while. But at the moment I think I'm partial to guys. I want a strong guy to comfort me at this stage of my life. I don't want to be the strong one in the relationship at the mo. That's not selfish of me or anything, I'm just in 'that' kind of place ya know.
Ugh! I'm kinda dreading this.
I think I'll just say later on that I think we shud just be friends.
"it's not you, it's me".....yadda yadda ect ect.....

That's just the way my life goes I guess......

S xxxx


Anonymous said...

Yeah I do need to let her know that you don't want to be with her before it get's to far and no it is not selfish to want to be held rather then always doing the holding