Life has certainly taken a turn for the better since last week!!!
As you could see from my last post life wasn't going well.
The B2 meeting we had didn't go to well for me and I was feeling more lonely than ever.
Then, during the week a guy from B2 added me on msn and Facebook. We started talking for aaagggeeesss! He was a really nice guy. He eventually told me that he liked me and he thought i was cute!!
I was like, what?!? Lol
Do he asked me eventually: "so what would ya do if I was to try and get stuck into you on Sunday??"(which was the B2 Xmas party)
I was taken aback but I realized that I did kinda like him. And as I talked to him I got to like him more.
So I said "I might let ya!" lol
So we decided that we'd try something on Sunday.
So today was the day, but it was quite crowded and we didn't get a chance.
And also, there was this other guy. One I hadn't seen before but he's been to B2 loads before.
He was REALLY cute!!! Like, WAY outa my league cute!!
But I found him flirting with me. He was a really nice guy to. More my type than the other guy.
He even asked me for my number!! He even offered me his jacket when i was cold!!! If thats not flirting i dunno what is!!! And he texted me only an hour after we went home!!!
Then I was talking to the first guy on msn a few minutes ago.
He said that he didn't try anything because he saw the other guy flirting with me. He said that the new guy liked me(I don't know I someone said that to him or something.)
But then he proceeded to tell me that he really like me. And asked if it was the right thing for him to do for him to back off because if the other guy.
I didn't REALLY answer him cause I didn't really know myself.
So know I'm torn! Between two guys!!
Talk about annoying!!
I wait months and years for a guy to come along, and then TWO come along!!! Lol
God really dosn't want to make life easy for me.
And I know people will say be greatfull for having two nice guys after you! But, remember, I still pretty much completely new to all this! :S
So yeah, I dunno what to do.
I kinda feel myself going more towards the new guy. But that's so unfair on the first guy!!
So I kinda said that I'd go out with him sometime but I didn't specify when.
So I really need to sort this out!!
At least I know someone wants to be with me though!!!!! Lol
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Screw this.... 3:40 PM
Screw this shit.....
I've fucking had it.....
The people around me are assholes....
I havnt had any loving physical contact(friendly or intimately) in ages....and I've almost reached breaking point....
I can't deal with the absolute SHIT around me right now...
I want to run away....
Never look back....
Here's a big FUCK YOU to the world!!!
I've fucking had it.....
The people around me are assholes....
I havnt had any loving physical contact(friendly or intimately) in ages....and I've almost reached breaking point....
I can't deal with the absolute SHIT around me right now...
I want to run away....
Never look back....
Here's a big FUCK YOU to the world!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Life recently...... 12:17 PM
Its been ages since I last blogged!
Sorry about that!
I've been really busy with school and such. It's been kinda mental!
But ah well,
I'm here now!
Firstly, I'd just like to say a BIG congratulations to Jason on his oh so successful coming out!
I've been keeping up to date with all his blogs and had the pleasure of reading his school essay on coming out. He really is SUCH an inspiration!!
I had my B2 meeting on Sunday.
It was great! Every week they all seem to be getting better!
I'm much more comfortable talking to people now. I'm starting to have a really good time there. All the initial nerves are almost gone!
There was also this new guy there today. Really cute! He was kinda shy at first but as the day went on his personality started to shine through. He's very funny. I also think he was flirting with me! But I can't be sure. He probaly wasn't, but I still liked his company. Myself, him, and 3 others went to a fish&chips place after the meeting. It was great. I talked to a guy who I never really talked to before. He turned out to be really nice. I kinda thought he was ignoring me at the meetings, but he turned out to have a great personality. He was very funny too! I added him on facebook that day and he accepted earlier today.
I can't wait untill the next meeting! :D
I also think we're going to a at bar this weekend!!
Ive never been to a gaybar before as a gay/bi guy. I've been as a 'straight' guy.
To make a long story short, I went with some straight friends to see two gay friends perform at a gay club. I wasn't out to them yet.
Also, I went to the doctors in tuesday.
I sometimes get heart palpitations and Monday was the first time I've gotten them at training. I'd get them just randomly, if I was walking home from school or even watching tv.
Like, they're not rare, but they're not REALLY common either.
My coach told me to go and see my doctor.
I went and my doc said to make an appointment to get some blood tests done. And then he'll send me to a cardiologist.
I'm sure it's nothing, but getting heart parlpitations as oftern as I do is better off getting checked out my coach said.
So, yeah,
That's what's been happening recently.
I'm glad I have B2 to keep me sane. I seriously think I'd still be struggling without it.
Bye for now!!!!
Its been ages since I last blogged!
Sorry about that!
I've been really busy with school and such. It's been kinda mental!
But ah well,
I'm here now!
Firstly, I'd just like to say a BIG congratulations to Jason on his oh so successful coming out!
I've been keeping up to date with all his blogs and had the pleasure of reading his school essay on coming out. He really is SUCH an inspiration!!
I had my B2 meeting on Sunday.
It was great! Every week they all seem to be getting better!
I'm much more comfortable talking to people now. I'm starting to have a really good time there. All the initial nerves are almost gone!
There was also this new guy there today. Really cute! He was kinda shy at first but as the day went on his personality started to shine through. He's very funny. I also think he was flirting with me! But I can't be sure. He probaly wasn't, but I still liked his company. Myself, him, and 3 others went to a fish&chips place after the meeting. It was great. I talked to a guy who I never really talked to before. He turned out to be really nice. I kinda thought he was ignoring me at the meetings, but he turned out to have a great personality. He was very funny too! I added him on facebook that day and he accepted earlier today.
I can't wait untill the next meeting! :D
I also think we're going to a at bar this weekend!!
Ive never been to a gaybar before as a gay/bi guy. I've been as a 'straight' guy.
To make a long story short, I went with some straight friends to see two gay friends perform at a gay club. I wasn't out to them yet.
Also, I went to the doctors in tuesday.
I sometimes get heart palpitations and Monday was the first time I've gotten them at training. I'd get them just randomly, if I was walking home from school or even watching tv.
Like, they're not rare, but they're not REALLY common either.
My coach told me to go and see my doctor.
I went and my doc said to make an appointment to get some blood tests done. And then he'll send me to a cardiologist.
I'm sure it's nothing, but getting heart parlpitations as oftern as I do is better off getting checked out my coach said.
So, yeah,
That's what's been happening recently.
I'm glad I have B2 to keep me sane. I seriously think I'd still be struggling without it.
Bye for now!!!!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
A perfect evening!!...... 3:14 PM
I ended up going to the protest today!
I wasn't actually planning on going, but in school earlier I got a text from one of the facilitators from BeLonGTo asking whether I was interested in actually going into the Dáil(the main government building in Ireland) and watching the debate. I said sure! I'd love to!
I went into town to the B2 offices where about 10 people had come together and had some sandwiches and some drinks.
We then walked down to the Dáil and saw a huge group of people protesting. It was such a great atmosphere! About 6 of us walked through the protest and into the buildings(a B2 facilitator got us access). When we were lining up in the reception we could see and hear a group of women screaming into the government building. Noone could really hear what they were saying but a guy ahead of us in the que said to us "oh religious fundamentalists! They're always entertaining!"
Lmao!!!! I couldn't stop laughing! Haha!
The rest joined the protest. It was actually a bit of a thrill being part of the group protesting! I've never been to a protest before!
We watched the debate and things actually seem like they're moving forward for civil marriage. We probably won't have it for another 2 or 3 years but I honestly think well have it soon!
Afterwards, the 6 of us went to get some coffee from Starbucks. It was really nice sitting down talking with them all!
There was a guy with us who I had not met before and he was sooooooooooooooo hot!!! He had a perfect smile! And a great personality! My DREAM guy!!!
Don't have a chance with him, but hey, a guy can dream!! Lol
When we finished our coffees I left for my busstop with two of the girls.
I hadn't really talked to them before. But they were soo nice!
I think I could make great friends with them. I havnt really made any 'friends' yet. But I think these two could be great friends!
I can't wait until Sunday for our next meeting! I'm getting much more comfortable with them all.
Ahhh, what a perfect evening!
Anywhoos, that's my post for today!!
C ya!!!
I ended up going to the protest today!
I wasn't actually planning on going, but in school earlier I got a text from one of the facilitators from BeLonGTo asking whether I was interested in actually going into the Dáil(the main government building in Ireland) and watching the debate. I said sure! I'd love to!
I went into town to the B2 offices where about 10 people had come together and had some sandwiches and some drinks.
We then walked down to the Dáil and saw a huge group of people protesting. It was such a great atmosphere! About 6 of us walked through the protest and into the buildings(a B2 facilitator got us access). When we were lining up in the reception we could see and hear a group of women screaming into the government building. Noone could really hear what they were saying but a guy ahead of us in the que said to us "oh religious fundamentalists! They're always entertaining!"
Lmao!!!! I couldn't stop laughing! Haha!
The rest joined the protest. It was actually a bit of a thrill being part of the group protesting! I've never been to a protest before!
We watched the debate and things actually seem like they're moving forward for civil marriage. We probably won't have it for another 2 or 3 years but I honestly think well have it soon!
Afterwards, the 6 of us went to get some coffee from Starbucks. It was really nice sitting down talking with them all!
There was a guy with us who I had not met before and he was sooooooooooooooo hot!!! He had a perfect smile! And a great personality! My DREAM guy!!!
Don't have a chance with him, but hey, a guy can dream!! Lol
When we finished our coffees I left for my busstop with two of the girls.
I hadn't really talked to them before. But they were soo nice!
I think I could make great friends with them. I havnt really made any 'friends' yet. But I think these two could be great friends!
I can't wait until Sunday for our next meeting! I'm getting much more comfortable with them all.
Ahhh, what a perfect evening!
Anywhoos, that's my post for today!!
C ya!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Brrrrr......... 9:56 AM
Hey guys,
Sorry it's been a while since I last posted, technical problems were to thank for that!!! Grr!
Ah well,
News, news, news.....
Well I had my Xmas exams this week(I know it's not Xmas that's just what they call them).
They went..........pretty awful tbh!! I was completely raped in chemistry, music, physics and applied maths. Yeah, so that's not really gud at all!!
So I need to buckle down for the final exams next year! SERIOUSLY!!!
I also went to my BeLonGTo meeting on Sunday.
It went really well. I talked to some new people. They were nice. There are these two guys who are just soooooooooo hot. Like proper hot!! I'm drooling right now as I write about them! Lol
Anyways, this woman came in from a mens health clinic and talked about a new service they provide in the city where any gay man can just call in and get checked out for stds and stuff. They also just hand out condoms. They apparently always leave a box of condoms in the B2 building! When she reminded everyone of this one of the guys(one of the reeeaaallyyy hot ones!) said that they always rip and that they're not strong enough. But he just 'doubles them up' so they don't. Then the worker said that doubling up the condom increases the risk of a condom breaking! There was just silence from everyone and he just said "oh, well that must have been why they broke then" lmao!!!!
For the last hour of the meeting we were discussing the 'civil partnership bill' that's going to be debated this week in the government. And we were talking about how it is just not the same as marriage in any way shape or form.
Here are just some of the differences between marriage and a civil partnership:
• The names for a start a different. Why should they be?!?
• A couple in a civil partnership cannot adopt a chid together. And if one of the partners already has a biological child the other partner has no legal premise to adopt it. And the child has no entitlements to inheritance. And if the childs biological parent dies the other partner cannot adopt the child.
Also, if the family of the person with the biological child are not happy with their child being gay they can battle for custody of the child 'just in spite' of the fact that their child is gay!
• The tax benefits you receive are are at most half of what you would receive as a married couple.
The differences go on and on. I might post something about it soon, when I get a chance.
But now we're preparing for the protest that will take place on thursday outside the government buildings in town. I think we're creating a human gay flag with everyone wearing different colours.
So that should be an experience. However I'm not sure whether I should go or not. I'm still not out to 98% of people and I'm worried someone I know will see me at the rally.
I just don't want someone to find out who I don't want to find out, ya know??
Ugh! STRESS!!!!
Also, morning Taekwondo training started today. 630-730am!!! I was EXHAUSTED!!!
It was a great wake up for the morning but i could really feel it by lunch time!
It is FREEZING here in Ireland!!! Literally!!!! The country is flooded and the weather just keeps getting colder.
It's times like these when I'm stressed out with school and coming out and the cold weather when I just wish I had someone to be with, to be warm with, to comfort me.........

I'm cold......
Sorry it's been a while since I last posted, technical problems were to thank for that!!! Grr!
Ah well,
News, news, news.....
Well I had my Xmas exams this week(I know it's not Xmas that's just what they call them).
They went..........pretty awful tbh!! I was completely raped in chemistry, music, physics and applied maths. Yeah, so that's not really gud at all!!
So I need to buckle down for the final exams next year! SERIOUSLY!!!
I also went to my BeLonGTo meeting on Sunday.
It went really well. I talked to some new people. They were nice. There are these two guys who are just soooooooooo hot. Like proper hot!! I'm drooling right now as I write about them! Lol
Anyways, this woman came in from a mens health clinic and talked about a new service they provide in the city where any gay man can just call in and get checked out for stds and stuff. They also just hand out condoms. They apparently always leave a box of condoms in the B2 building! When she reminded everyone of this one of the guys(one of the reeeaaallyyy hot ones!) said that they always rip and that they're not strong enough. But he just 'doubles them up' so they don't. Then the worker said that doubling up the condom increases the risk of a condom breaking! There was just silence from everyone and he just said "oh, well that must have been why they broke then" lmao!!!!
For the last hour of the meeting we were discussing the 'civil partnership bill' that's going to be debated this week in the government. And we were talking about how it is just not the same as marriage in any way shape or form.
Here are just some of the differences between marriage and a civil partnership:
• The names for a start a different. Why should they be?!?
• A couple in a civil partnership cannot adopt a chid together. And if one of the partners already has a biological child the other partner has no legal premise to adopt it. And the child has no entitlements to inheritance. And if the childs biological parent dies the other partner cannot adopt the child.
Also, if the family of the person with the biological child are not happy with their child being gay they can battle for custody of the child 'just in spite' of the fact that their child is gay!
• The tax benefits you receive are are at most half of what you would receive as a married couple.
The differences go on and on. I might post something about it soon, when I get a chance.
But now we're preparing for the protest that will take place on thursday outside the government buildings in town. I think we're creating a human gay flag with everyone wearing different colours.
So that should be an experience. However I'm not sure whether I should go or not. I'm still not out to 98% of people and I'm worried someone I know will see me at the rally.
I just don't want someone to find out who I don't want to find out, ya know??
Ugh! STRESS!!!!
Also, morning Taekwondo training started today. 630-730am!!! I was EXHAUSTED!!!
It was a great wake up for the morning but i could really feel it by lunch time!
It is FREEZING here in Ireland!!! Literally!!!! The country is flooded and the weather just keeps getting colder.
It's times like these when I'm stressed out with school and coming out and the cold weather when I just wish I had someone to be with, to be warm with, to comfort me.........

I'm cold......